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Maple Hill Chapter, NSDAR, members are passionate about educating the youth of America and contributing to schools and student programs in a variety of ways, including:

  • Providing one-on-one reading coaching and math tutoring

  • Sponsoring American history essay contests at 18 local schools

  • Donating money and supplies to the
    Kate Duncan Smith DAR School in
    Grant, Alabama


  • Conducting creative arts competitions
    (e.g., banner design, stamp art design, photography essays, poetry, short story) on American history themes for students at all levels through the DAR’s Junior American Citizens program


  • Providing school supplies, coats, backpacks, and other items to meet school needs

Book donation 2_edited.jpg

Photo courtesy of chapter archives.

  • Promoting the study of the United States Constitution through Constitution Week activities at schools

  • Donating books and funds to support school literacy programs

  • Facilitating students’ application to a wide variety of DAR-sponsored scholarships

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